In the ever-evolving world of YouTube content creation, leveraging the power of AI has become a game-changer. ChatGPT, a renowned AI model, has emerged as a valuable tool for content creators, offering a myriad of prompts tailored for YouTube. In this article, we’ll delve into the 5 Best ChatGPT Prompts for YouTube that can elevate your YouTube content to new heights. As an expert in the niche, I believe sharing these insights is invaluable for anyone looking to harness the potential of AI in their content strategy.

Full YouTube SEO Title, Description and tags

This prompt instructs ChatGPT to generate a comprehensive YouTube SEO package based on a given keyword. Here’s a breakdown of what the prompt will produce:

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Clickbait Keyword YouTube Titles

The assistant will generate 15 clickbait titles using the provided keyword. These titles are designed to attract viewers and increase the click-through rate.

The titles are categorized based on the placement of the keyword: at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end.

Best Title Selection:

Out of the 15 titles, the assistant will choose the most compelling one and provide a reason for the selection.

YouTube Description:

A 1000-character SEO-optimized description for the YouTube video will be crafted. The chosen keyword will be used in the first sentence, ensuring better visibility in search results.

SEO-Optimized Hashtags:

10 relevant hashtags will be generated to help improve the video’s discoverability on platforms that use hashtag-based search.

SEO Tags:

The assistant will produce 30 SEO tags. These tags are combinations of keywords related to the video title. They play a crucial role in improving the video’s visibility in search results on YouTube.

In essence, this prompt is designed to provide a complete SEO package for YouTube content creators, helping them optimize their videos for better visibility and engagement on the platform.

See This ChatGPT Prompt

You are a keyword specialist, copywriter and an award winning YouTuber with over 10 years of experience in writing clickbait keyword title for YouTube video’s. Clickbait keyword YouTube Titles are titles that contains keywords and some power words that increase click through rate to that video. I will supply you the YouTube Title, and you will create 15 clickbait keyword YouTube titles for me in 5s, placing them under the right heading; beginning, middle, and end accordingly. That means you will generate 5 titles with the keyword at the beginning. Then generate another 5 titles with the keyword in the middle. Then another 5 titles with the keyword at the end.

Then pick the best title out of the suggested titles and give your reasons. After which you will now write 1000 characters SEO optimized YouTube video description that is not AI detected using the chosen keyword in the first sentence of the description . With the title “DESCRIPTION” in bold.

Then write 10 SEO-optimized Hashtags.

Then generate 30 SEO tags. A tag is a combinations of keywords that can be linked to this video title. The tags should be relevant to the title and separated with comma’s.

The keywords to use in the analysis are [ENTER KEYWORD HERE]. Write all output in [LANGUAGE HERE]

Convert YouTube Transcript to SEO Article

This prompt you provided gives specific instructions for transforming a YouTube transcript into a unique, SEO-friendly article. Here’s a breakdown of what the prompt will generate:

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  1. Expert Copywriting: The content will be written in a professional manner, as if by an experienced copywriter. This means the language will be polished, coherent, and engaging.
  2. Transformation of Content: The YouTube transcript will be converted into an article format. This involves changing the spoken language, which can be informal and conversational, into a more structured and written style suitable for reading.
  3. Sentence Structure Alteration: To ensure the content is unique and not a direct copy of the transcript, the sentence structures will be changed. This means rephrasing, combining sentences, or breaking them apart as needed.
  4. Keyword Identification and Integration: The main keyword or theme from the transcript will be identified and used more frequently throughout the article. This is a common SEO practice to improve the article’s visibility in search engine results.
  5. Rephrasing for Uniqueness: The content will be reworded to ensure it’s 100% unique, avoiding any potential issues with plagiarism or content duplication.
  6. Language: The article will be written in English, even if the original transcript contains phrases or words from other languages.

In summary, the prompt aims to produce a well-written, unique article that is optimized for search engines, based on the content of a YouTube transcript.

See This ChatGPT Prompt

Pretend you’re an expert copywriter. Read this YouTube transcript and convert it into an article. Make sure to rewrite the content and change the sentence structure. Figure out the main keyword from the transcript and use the keyword more often in your article so that the article becomes SEO friendly. Also rephrase the words to make the content 100% unique. Write it in English.

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Generate a YouTube Script with Title, Intro & Outro

This prompt contains specific instructions for creating a YouTube video script. Here’s a breakdown of what the prompt is asking for:

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  1. Main Content – Scene Description for a YouTube Video:
    • The core of the script should provide a detailed and engaging description of a scene that teaches viewers about your keyword in English. This scene description should be as lengthy and detailed as possible, covering the entire process of whatever you want described.
  2. Clickbait YouTube Title Ideas:
    • In addition to the script, the prompt also requests two catchy, clickbait-style titles for the YouTube video. These titles should be designed to attract viewers and make them curious about the content.

In summary, the generated content will be a YouTube video script that starts with a call for support, delves into a detailed scene description about your keyword, and ends with a call to action for viewers to like the content. Additionally, two clickbait title ideas will be provided for the video.

See This ChatGPT Prompt

Create a compelling and engaging scene description for a YouTube video script with an appropriate intro, then a main body, and then an outro using the following description [YOUR KEYWORD] in [LANGUAGE] and write it as long as you can. Please also provide 2 ideas for an appropriate clickbait YouTube title.

YouTube Tag Generator with Keyword

This prompt is a request for 30 YouTube tags that target LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords with some search volume related to the topic you provide. The specifications are:

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  1. No hashtags should be included.
  2. The keywords should be separated by commas.
  3. Only proper nouns should be capitalized.
  4. The language should be English.

Given this prompt, the expected output would be a list of 30 YouTube tags (keywords or short phrases) that are semantically related to the topic you provide. These tags would be relevant for a YouTube video on the subject and would help the video be discovered by users searching for related content.

See This ChatGPT Prompt

Create 30 YouTube Tags Targeting an LSI Keyword with some search volume for the following Topic: [YOUR KEYWORD]. No hashtags, separate keywords by commas. Only capitalize proper nouns. [LANGUAGE]

YouTube Video Summary with Bio, Tips, Resources and FAQ’s

Based on this prompt, the generated output would be a comprehensive, structured article in Markdown format about your keyword. The article would include:

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  1. A unique, creative title using Markdown.
  2. A conversational summary introducing the topic.
  3. A mention of the value of sharing the video on the topic.
  4. A fictional creator bio with links describing the creator and their channel.
  5. A list of three key takeaways from the video.
  6. A detailed step-by-step process about your keyword, with elaborations.
  7. Quotations from the fictional creator where applicable.
  8. A list of resources mentioned in the video with explanations of each.
  9. Personal advice from the perspective of an expert in the niche.
  10. A FAQ section with five questions and their short answers.
  11. Three blog title ideas related to the topic.
  12. A short meta description for the article.

The entire output would be crafted to appear as if it’s summarizing and elaborating on a video about your keyword, even though no actual video link or content was provided.

See This ChatGPT Prompt

Please ignore all previous instructions.

Write a unique, creative title based on the script with Markdown language. Create a creative, conversational summary as an intro to the article. Use Markdown language. Pretend you are an expert in the niche, and mention why you thought sharing this video would be valuable. Write a creator bio describing the creator and channel and include links. Make a list of three key takeaways. If there are steps in the video, write a step by step process and elaborate. Quote the creator where applicable. Make a list of the resources mentioned and explain what each is and does. If you stop typing, continue. Pretend you are an expert in this niche and give your personal best advice in 1st person. Add a FAQ with 5 questions and short answers. If you stop typing, continue in markdown format. Give 3 blog title ideas for this article. write a short metadescription. All output should be in [LANGUAGE]

The text to summarize is this:


In the vast ocean of YouTube content, standing out requires innovation, creativity, and the right tools. The 5 Best ChatGPT Prompts for YouTube highlighted in this article are more than just suggestions; they’re a testament to the transformative power of AI in content creation. By integrating these prompts into your strategy, you’re not only enhancing your content but also paving the way for a more interactive and engaging viewer experience.

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